IT Fitness Test

Frequently asked questions


I've done the test in the past, but I don't remember the login.

It is possible that you used your email as your login. However, if you are unable to log in, please email us using the contact form and we will check your details against our database.

The students in my class do not have email addresses.

You can also add students who do not have email and password to the class you created using the "Assign Students" function. This will generate anonymized logins and passwords that your students can use to take the test.

Na e-mail mi prišiel výsledok testu, avšak test som len spustil, nestihol dokončiť a neviem ho zopakovať.

Na vyplnenie testu máte 5 dní, v prípade že test nestihneme dokončiť, sám exspiruje a na mail Vám príde certifikát s výsledkom. 24 hodín pred uplynutím času však dostanete mailovú notifikáciu, aby ste si test nezabudli dokončiť. Test neviete opakovať, pretože do 31.10.2024 prebieha certifikačné testovanie, takže každý riešiteľ má len jeden pokus. V prípade, že by ste test chceli urobiť ešte raz, kontaktuje nás cez kontaktný formulár a nájdeme riešenie.

I want to see the results for the whole school.

Fill in the contact form below to be assigned the role of school manager, without it you will not see the results for the whole school.

I want to set a PIN for the school.

The PIN can be set for the school by the school manager via the "Manage Schools" function or by the website administrators. If your school does not have a manager, please contact us via the contact form.

The company I work for wants me to take the IT Fitness Test, but it is not in your database.

Since there are hundreds of thousands of companies in Slovakia, it is not in our power to upload such a complex database into the system, which is also regularly updated. However, we can add your company to the database manually, so please send us the name and address (street, postal code and city of the registered office) of your employer via the contact form and we will take care of the addition.

Neviem, koľko času mám študentom vyhradiť na vyplnenie testu

V prípade, že učíte na základnej škole, test s 20 otázkami zvládnete spraviť za cca 45 minút. Ak robíte test so stredoškolákmi, odporúčame vyhradiť viac času (napr. dvojhodinovku informatiky). V prípade, že testujete nových žiakov, ktorí nie sú registrovaní, odporúčame vyhradiť na proces registrácie niekoľko minút navyše.

I failed to select my school in the list.

You can search for a school by keywords in the name, or by city, address, zip code. Don't give up at the first unsuccessful attempt, but use multiple options to get to the school. You don't have to use diacritics, but write full words and avoid abbreviations.

If the list of schools doesn't load at all, wait a few minutes and try again. There are tens of thousands of schools in our database, and every year we work to improve it to make searching as easy as possible.

I forgot to add myself to the correct class before running the test.

Email us via the contact form and we'll assign you to the right class. We're also working on getting your teacher to assign you to the right class in the future.

Pupils have not been assigned to the correct class.

If pupils did not manage to update their class before the test was run, but only afterwards, you will not see them in the statistics for the class. If you want to make sure that the pupils are classified correctly, write to us via the contact form and the system administrators will take care of the change. In the future, we are also working on allowing you to change the classes yourself.

Po dokončení testu nevidím správne odpovede

Keďže do 31.10. 2024 prebieha certifikačné obdobie, chceme, aby každý respondent mal vytvorené rovnaké podmienky, preto správne odpovede zverejníme až po tomto termíne. Nájdete ich vo svojom profile pri Výbere testu v časti "História a certifikáty".

I just registered, but I didn't get a verification link in my email.

First of all, try checking your spam folder, sometimes verification emails go astray there. However, if the email still doesn't arrive after a few minutes, drop us a line using the contact form and we'll verify your email.

I need to create a virtual classroom for my students.

Under your profile you will see the option "Manage Classes", When you click here, you will be able to create different virtual classes. Your pupils can then be added to them before the test is run. You can rename and delete classes. However, we recommend that you create new classes for each year of testing.

I don't know what test to choose if I am neither a student nor a teacher.

The version of the test suitable for you is the high school and college version, which is a more challenging test with 25 questions.

I accidentally finished the test before I had completed all the answers.

You cannot retake the test during the certification period, but we understand that mistakes can happen. Email us via the contact form and we'll look into how to help you.

I need to abort the test.

You have 5 days to complete the test, and 24 hours before the deadline you will receive an email reminding you to complete the test. It's important to concentrate on the test properly and if you don't have the right conditions to do so, it's better to stop the test and come back to it later.

I forgot my password.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" icon in the "Login" section. A link will be sent to your e-mail address to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, please contact us via the contact form.

I am attending an 8-year grammar school and I do not know which grade I should select.

If you attend an 8-year grammar school, use the grades as if you are at an elementary school or high school.

Neviem, na čo slúži funkcia "Priradiť študentov" pri vytvorených triedach

Túto funkciu môžete využiť v prípade, že žiaci Vašej triedy nemajú zriadené e-mailové adresy. Vygenerujú sa Vám prihlasovacie mená a heslá, ktoré viete zdieľať so žiakmi a tí ich použijú na vytvorenie profilu bez toho, aby zadali e-mail a potvrdili svoju registráciu pomocou overovacieho linku zaslaného na ich mailovú adresu. Pozor, mená a heslá sa generujú jednorazovo, preto prosím mená a heslá hneď zaznamenajte, nie je totiž možné sa k ním vrátiť.

Do you have any questions about the IT Fitness Test? Contact us using our contact form.