The renowned news agency AFP provides fact-checking in various languages on its website.
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In its Polish and Hungarian language versions, it also drew attention to a fake photograph that does not depict the farmers’ protest in Paris; instead, the photograph is the product of generative artificial intelligence. In the Hungarian version, the article was published with the headline: “Ezt a képet mesterséges intelligenciával készítették, és nem a francia gazdatüntetéseket látni rajta”.
In the Polish version, the article was published with the headline: “To zdjęcie zostało wytworzone przez sztuczną inteligencję. Nie przedstawia ono protestu rolników w Paryżu”.
Find both posts (Hungarian and Polish) and choose one statement that is false:
The Hungarian version has a publication time of 17:21.
The Polish version contains an excerpt of a social media post published on 3 February.
Both versions also include proof that the image was generated by Midjourney (artificial intelligence) from 30 January 2024.