The largest digital skills test in Central Europe.
The IT Fitness Test is the most comprehensive way to test the digital skills of primary and secondary school pupils and teachers.
150 000 pupils and students tested
Over the past 12 editions,
almost 550 thousand respondents have tested their digital skills.
Join them this year!
Who can take the test?
Primary school pupils
Find out how well you know your way around the digital world and whether you are sufficiently prepared to study at secondary school.
High school or university students
Find out which key digital skills you need to improve to be ready for further study or the job market.
Primary, secondary and higher education teachers
Gain insight into your digital skills level, test your pupils too and help them further their education.
Why IT Fitness Test?
Digital skills are a necessity for all of us in the 21st century. Without sufficient orientation in the digital world, it is very difficult to succeed. Therefore, as a first step, we need to know what our strengths and weaknesses are and then educate ourselves further in the necessary areas.
Coordinated testing in schools and classrooms is essential for the success of the project. The test gives teachers an overview of their pupils' digital skills levels and allows them to focus on areas where pupils need to improve in their further education.
In addition, pupils and whole classes compete for fantastic prizes to help them further develop their skills.
IT Fitness Test was established as an initiative of the pan-European e-Skills Week
the first edition of the IT Fitness Test, which attracted nearly 39,000 respondents
IT Fitness Test held as part of the European e-Skills for Jobs initiative
IT Fitness Test exceeded the 100,000 respondents mark
IT Fitness Test was awarded by Digital Europe as "Best Member of DigitalEurope"
IT Fitness Test exceeded 200 000 respondents
IT Fitness Test celebrates its 10th year
IT Fitness Test expands to neighbouring countries thanks to the support of the International Visegrad Fund and is available in 5 languages, including English, surpassing the 400,000 respondents mark
IT Fitness Test is now also available in Ukrainian and has surpassed 550,000 respondents
Mário Lelovský
Chairman, Digital Coalition"The 12th edition of the IT Fitness Test brought fantastic success in terms of respondent participation not only in Slovakia, but also in the other participating countries. Almost 150 thousand respondents took part in the testing, and that is why our partners in the V4 countries deserve a big thank you for a job well done and for helping to spread awareness about the importance of digital skills among the young generation and also among key institutions in the public and private sector."
Richard Raši
Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatisation of the SSlovak Republic"IT Fitness Test was more than a decade ahead of its time in this respect. It allows for the testing of not only IT knowledge, but also competences in the areas of working with information, understanding context, problem solving, and critical thinking. The importance of technical and soft skills will only increase in the future, given technological developments and the related demand for them from employers."
Michal Kanownik
President, Digital Poland Association"The results of the latest edition of the IT Fitness Test in Poland are slightly better when compared to last year. Although we still have a lot to work on (cybersecurity is still a priority!), the test results show that widespread educational campaigns do make a positive impact. Students get better at navigating the digital world and they feel more confident and secure. One might say that digital competences are the skills of tomorrow. We believe, however, that tomorrow is today."
Krizstina Tajthy
Secretary General, IVSZ - Association of Digital Companies"We believe that advanced digital skills are indispensable for current and future employees to secure a suitable job and for countries to remain competitive. Continuous improvement of these skills must already begin when young people are in their school years. To consciously develop digital skills, people need to be able to measure the actual status of these skills. It is at the same time the government’s, the employers’, and citizens’ responsibility and in their interest to enhance digital competences. Hungary’s digital economy cannot grow without a skilled workforce."
Alona Kurotova
Director General, iCanschool"We very much appreciate the fact that the Slovak National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs (Digital Coalition) has enabled and supported the participation of Ukrainian pupils and students in digital skills testing and we believe that this tradition will continue in the future."
Jaromír Hanzal
Director, Association for Applied Research in IT"We are happy that this year’s edition of IT Fitness Test, which was also the first that we have been involved in, ended up as a success. We would like to thank our partners from Česko.Digital, who played a key role in achieving such large numbers of tested individuals. Participation within the Czech Republic in IT Fitness Test 2023 was almost ten times higher compared to the previous year. We see this as an obligation for next year, as we will try to reach or even surpass these numbers, even though it will not be an easy task."
Mário Lelovský
předseda Digitálnej koalície„Dvanáctý ročník IT Fitness Testu přinesl fantastický úspěch z hlediska účasti respondentů nejen na Slovensku, ale i v dalších zúčastněných zemích. Testování se zúčastnilo téměř 150 tisíc respondentů, a proto našim partnerům v zemích V4 patří velké poděkování za dobře odvedenou práci a za to, že pomáhají šířit povědomí o důležitosti digitálních dovedností mezi mladou generací a mezi klíčovými institucemi ve veřejném i soukromém sektoru.“
Ivan Bartoš
místopředseda vlády pro digitalizaci„IT Fitness Test je pro nás důležitým nástrojem mapování digitálních dovedností obyvatel Česka. Digitální dovednosti jsou nezbytné pro všechny generace. Pokud chceme digitalizovat, musíme vědět pro koho to děláme. Doufám, že se nám letos podaří naše spoločné aktivity opět propojit a představit je veřejnosti jako součást společného úsilí o zvyšování digitální gramotnosti v naší zemi.“
Martin Úlovec
zmocněnec pro digitální vzdělávání a digitalizaci při MŠMT„Jsem rád, že jsme za Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy mohli projekt podpořit. Výstupy IT Fitness Testu vnímám jako užitečné vyhodnocení digitálních dovedností žáků. To by následně mělo být využito pro přípravu dalších opatření a aktivit s cílem smysluplně a efektivně rozvíjet digitální dovednosti nejen žáků, ale také dospělých v České republice.“
Jaromír Hanzal
CEO Asociace pro aplikovaný výzkum v IT„Nesmírně nás těší, že historicky 2. ročník IT Fitness Testu v České republice skončil obrovským úspěchem – otestováním téměř desetinásobku osob oproti roku 2022. Digitální vzdělávání musí začít už na úrovni základních škol a probíhat způsobem, který mladé lidi bude motivovat k dalšímu prohlubování dovedností v této oblasti. Věřím, že letošní testování naváže na minulý ročník.“
Jan Kotara
CEO Č„Rozvoj digitální dovedností je zásadní pro uplatnitelnost studentů na trhu práce. IT Fitness test odhaluje, jak na tom žáci objektivně jsou – ve kterých oblastech jsou silní, kde mají slabiny a kam se tedy v dalším vzdělávání soustředit. Letos se nově soustředíme i na používání nástrojů využívajících umělou inteligenci, jejichž využití v nejbližší době prudce poroste."