IT Fitness Test

Frequently asked questions

Learn how to work with the IT Fitness Test using instructional videos
Questions and answers

I don't know what test to choose if I am neither a student nor a teacher.

The version of the test suitable for you is the one for high schools and universities, which is a more challenging test with 16 questions.

I want to see the results for the whole school.

Fill in the contact form below to be assigned the role of school manager, without it you will not see the results for the whole school. After assigning a role in your account, you will see a new functionality - School management.

I accidentally finished the test before I had completed all the answers.

You cannot retake the test during the certification period, but we understand that mistakes can happen. Email us via the contact form and we'll look into how to help you.

The students in my class do not have email addresses.

You can also add students who do not have email to the class you have created using the “Assign Students” function. This way you will generate anonymized logins and passwords that students can use to take the test. Write off this data immediately after it has been generated, as it cannot be retrieved retrospectively for security reasons. Then give the pupils the logins and passwords they will use to log in and complete the registration.

Can my pupils complete the test in one lesson?

This year both versions of IT Fitness Tests have 16 questions, we have adapted to the requirements and feedback from teachers to make the test manageable in one lesson.

Pupils have not been assigned to the correct class.

If students did not choose the correct classroom or did not assign themselves to any classroom before the test was run, they can do so after the test has been run or after the test has been completed. Their data will then be updated and you will see them in the correct classroom.

The company I work for wants me to take the IT Fitness Test, but it is not in your database.

If you do not see your company in the list of organizations, please contact us via the contact form and we will add your company to our database manually. We will need the name and address (street, postal code and city of residence) of your employer.

How much time do I have to finish the test?

The test must be completed within 8 days. Then the text will expire and a certificate with the score will be sent to your e-mail. To make sure you don't forget to complete the test, we will send you a reminder email 24 hours before the deadline.

What is IT Master Test?

IT Master Test is an advanced version of the IT Fitness Test that focuses on solving complex and algorithmic problems. In this test, you will be asked 12 questions that will show you if you are really an advanced user of digital technology. We will unlock this test for you after you pass the IT Fitness Test. Set aside 45 minutes for it.

How to correctly assign pupils/students to classes?

Before starting the test, respondents can select their class from a drop-down menu. If they forget to do so, this step can also be done after the test is finished.

I want to involve students in IT Master Test

This year we have prepared a new version of the test - IT Master Test. This test consists of 12 complex tasks that focus on reading comprehension, algorithmic thinking and advanced use of digital technologies. To test your pupils, they must first master the basic IT Fitness Test. Set aside at least one lesson to test their advanced skills!

Why does it take long for students to register and log in?

There may be several reasons why students take a long time to register - e.g. they don't remember their login details or the email they received the link to change their password. Pupils may also struggle to complete registration if they have technical problems loading the list of schools. To speed up the registration process, we recommend that you create user accounts for pupils via the "Assign Students" function in the virtual classes you create via 'Class Management'. Pupils will use these details to log in, with much of their profile pre-filled. Thus, it will only be necessary to fill in the basic personal data, complete the registration and the pupils can be tested straight away.

I received the test result via e-mail, but I only started the test, did not finish and I cannot repeat it.

You have 8 days to finish the test. In case you don´t manage to finalize if, the test expires, and you automatically receive the certificate with the result. 24 hours before the expiration you receive an e-mail notification to not forget to finish the test. You cannot repeat the test, since the period of certified testing lasts until 30 June 2025 and each respondent has one try. In case you wish to repeat the test, please contact us via contact form and we will find a solution.

I just registered, but I didn't get a verification link in my email.

First of all, try checking your spam folder, sometimes verification emails go astray there. However, if the email still doesn't arrive after a few minutes, drop us a line using the contact form and we'll verify your email manually.

I forgot to add myself to the correct class before running the test.

You can join the correct class after you have completed the test. Open your profile and select the correct class in the “Class” section, then save your changes.

I've done the test in the past, but I don't remember the login.

It is possible that you used your email as your login. However, if you are unable to log in, please email us using the contact form and we will check your details against our database.

I need to create a virtual classroom for my students.

Under your profile you will see the option "Class management", When you click here, you will be able to create different virtual classes. Your pupils can then be added to them before the test is run. You can rename and delete classes and you can also archive them id you don´t want to use them anymore. We recommend that you create new classes for each year of testing.

I forgot my password.

If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" icon in the "Login" section. A link will be sent to your e-mail address to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, please contact us via the contact form.

I need to abort the test.

You have 8 days to complete the test, and 24 hours before the deadline you will receive an email reminding you to complete the test. It's important to concentrate on the test properly and if you don't have the right conditions to do so, it's better to stop the test and come back to it later.

Why do students below 16 years of age have to fill in the contact of their legal representative?

As the legislation on the personal data protection (GDPR) data is strict, in the case of pupils under the age of 16 it is necessary to have the consent of a legal representative for the processing of personal data for participation in the project. In the registration form, the parent must fill in their name, surname and e-mail. Once the registration is complete, the parent will receive an email notification that consent has been given for the processing of the child's personal data. This consent can be withdrawn at any time by the legal guardian.

Why can't I find my school in the list?

Try searching for a school by keyword, city, address or postcode. If you are unable to retrieve the list of schools, wait a few minutes and try again. There are tens of thousands of schools in our database and we are constantly updating it.

I don't see correct answers after I finished the test.

Since the certification period ends on 30 June 2025, we want every respondent to have the same conditions for the test, which is why we publish the correct answers only after this date. You will find them in you profile under "History and certificates".

I don't know how much time I should dedicate for the test.

In the 2025 edition of the project, we have prepared a 16-question test for primary schools and a 16-question test for secondary schools. Although they differ in difficulty, pupils should be able to complete both tests in one lesson.

I don't know what the school PIN is for

The school's PIN serves as an additional safeguard to ensure that only students from the school use it and that students from other schools or other persons do not mistakenly join the school. It is a 4-digit code that students and teachers fill in at registration. If you would like to set up a PIN for your school, please contact us via the contact form.

I want to set a PIN for the school.

The PIN can be set for the school by the school manager via the "School management" function or by the website administrators. If your school does not have a manager, please contact us via the contact form.

I don't see students' names with their results, only I see only "Hidden"

You see the results in anonymous form because the pupil did not give consent when registering to provide testing data to the school, which is a requirement under GDPR legislation. The pupil can subsequently grant this consent at any time in their profile, which will then give you access to the test results associated with the pupil's name.

Can I download my students' test results from the website?

Currently it is not possible to download the summary of pupil results directly from the website, but we can export the data on request. Please contact us via the contact form and we will be happy to prepare the summary data for you.

I don't know how to use the feature "Assign Students" in virtual classrooms.

You can use this feature in case your students don't have an e-mail address. You will be able to generate logins and passwords which you can share with students, who can then use these information to create an account without confirming their registration via confirmation link sent to an e-mail. Be careful - these logins and passwords are created uniquely, please make sure you write these down because you will not be able to retrieve them.

I am attending an 8-year grammar school and I do not know which grade I should select.

If you attend an 8-year grammar school, use the grades as if you are at an elementary school or high school.

Do you have any questions about the IT Fitness Test? Contact us using our contact form.