IT Fitness Test

I want to test myself

IT Fitness Test in a nutshell

  • The largest and most comprehensive way of reliable testing of digital skills, verified by more than 400 thousand respondents
  • Free, nationwide, online testing available in Slovakia since 2012
  • In 2022, thanks to the support of a strategic grant from the International Visegrad Fund, testing was successfully extended to the Visegrad Group countries.
  • Since 2023, the test is available in six languages – Slovak, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, English and Ukrainian
  • It Fitness Test focuses mainly on primary and secondary school pupils and teachers
  • The objective is to test digital skills and thus motivate the respondents to actively deepen practical skills that they will be able to use not only today, but especially in the future.


How to take part

  1. Sign up HERE
  2. In your profile mark whether you are an elementary / high-school student or university student, a teacher, or if IT is just your hobby. This will help us to gain a more accurate picture of the true state of digital skills in these sections of the population.
  3. Fill in your profile in the Information survey. It serves us for better evaluation of test results and better data analysis.
  4. Choose a test depending on whether you are studying at elementary or secondary school. The more difficult version of the test is also intended for the adult population and teachers.
  5. Read the questions carefully and do not rush to answer. Use all available tools (Google, social networks, office software, etc.) to get the right answer.
  6. Ideally, you should take the basic school test within 45 minutes and the more difficult test within 1 hour, but you can spent more time to achieve the best possible result. The test duration is limited to 15 days.
  7. At the end of the test, you will receive a certificate with your achieved result.

Choose test

This year we again enable the school administrators and founders to monitor how their students and teachers score. The IT Fitness Test offers the opportunity for any teacher or a teacher representative (e.g. a school’s digital coordinator) to know all relevant test results. The teacher representative or digital coordinator can secure the access for school testing by security PIN. Students without their own e-mail account can also be tested. The school’s founders can request a summary of test results for their schools anonymised according the GDPR rules. Any organizations with their employees or members can also participate in the testing and apply for their registration in the Contact form.