IT Fitness Test

Final Report IT Fitness Test 2022

Download the 2022 Summary Report HERE

The final report of the IT Fitness Test 2022 can be downloaded HERE

For the first time in history, IT Fitness Test was organised in 4 countries and 5 languages, exceeding 100 thousand respondents

The largest testing of digital skills broke records again.

For the first time in history the testing was held in four countries, for the first time the project crossed the threshold of 100 thousand respondents, and the success rate of both versions of the tests also increased significantly. In addition to Slovak, the test was also available in Czech, Hungarian and Polish, the bonus was the English version. The youngest test participants were 7 years old, the oldest participant from Bratislava was 82 years old. The most successful participants in the test for respondents over 15 years of age with 100 % success rate were 20 teachers, 110 students (75 boys, 35 girls) and 13 respondents with extracurricular backgrounds.

The record number of respondents was achieved thanks to the support of the Visegrad Fund and the pilot involvement of the Visegrad Group countries.

The highest number of respondents were in Slovakia (68 549), the second largest number was tested in Poland (30 909), in the Czech Republic 8 312 people participated in the pilot testing and in Hungary 4 818.

The IT Fitness Test was divided into several phases this year. The first certification phase lasted until 31 July, durinch which a total of 27 757 people with an average success rate of 52.55 % took the heavier version of the test in Slovakia. Compared to 2021, the overall success rate increased over 12%. Students from 567 schools participated in the testing for respondents over 15 years of age. The secondary version of the test was filled by 2 549 respondents who said they were teachers. The average success rate of teachers in the secondary school test was 57.39%, and educators improved by 5% compared to last year. The lighter version of the test for elementary schools in the first phase of testing was completed by a total of 14 193 respondents aged 7-16. The average success rate for this age group was 55.03% and primary school pupils improved by 15% compared to 2021. 701 schools participated in the testing for primary schools with pupils aged 7-16 years.

The second, non-certification phase of testing lasted until 31 October. In Slovakia, 16 501 respondents took part in the test for secondary schools and 10 098 respondents took the test for primary schools. This year’s authors see improvements in basic skills and knowledge, but also in their connection with practice. In their opinionm, more efforts need to be concentrated on combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills and experience. The experts who prepared the test further note that the pupils and students achieved significant improvements in cybersecurity tasks. They attribute this to the fact that there is much more focus on this in schools. However, the differences in success rates between different categories are very large, according to the authors of the test, and significant shortcomings exist for pupils and students in working with office tools, but also in understanding and working with structured data, as well as in working with sheets and graphs. Pupils seem to have little practical experience in this field and also that they have little understanding of the structure of the text document. Pupils and students have difficulty evaluating the text correctly. There are also shortcomings in work with social networks. According to the results of the test, young people are rather passive consumers of content. They cannot properly evaluate and understand the context and structure of information on social networks. This year’s testing shows that the skills that are tested more often by pupils and students have slightly improved year-on-year. Differences in the digital competences of pupils are more profound, and this is likely to be result of the different quality of computer science teaching in schools. According to experts, the development of critical thinking, the evaluation of information and the assessment of its quality, credibility and truthfulness should continue to be addressed.